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Our Journey So Far!

Our Journey So Far!

So I thought 2020 would be a great time to start my blog for The Little Wax Box Co!

Just a little background of who we are, what we do & what plans we have for this year.  In April when I started my small business venture, never in my mind had I planned for the business to grow as fast as it has!  That's all down to the wonderful customers who have trusted us to deliver what we promise: The highly scented wax melts for a beautiful home fragrance

My names Rhea, my husband is Rob & we have a little family of small humans to nurture & introduce to the world.  In the business me & Rob have pretty much set roles, I make all of our beautifully highly scented wax melts, car perfumes, gift sets plus all the other waxy goodies & looking after the social media, Rob is the design side of things!  He manages all the ordering of stock, label design, website & deals with the suppliers but obviously helps with packing the wax melts and labelling as well (he knows who wears the trousers)

In March 2019 all I had was 5kg of wax, 4 bottles of different scents, a jug & a mould!  I started practising making the melts, tried different blends & didn't give up until I had cracked, 1 month later I was ready to launch onto Instagram & The Little Wax Box Co was born!

So the business lived in the cupboard under our stairs and we spent every given moment working on designing, making & social media, then stock & making supplies started moving to every single cupboard in the home, on top of the fridge, under the bed, it was growing & like a new born child it wanted feeding!  We then decided to build a cabin in the garden to work from so everything was in one place.  So the cabin arrived 7 weeks later, the cabin got built & fitted out with all the equipment we needed BUT we never worked in it!  Once all the stuff was in there winter arrived and of course the busy festive season which meant we were non stop & just didn't have time to fully move down to the cabin (I was gutted at this point as the home was at breaking point)

So at this point (October) we had now gained over 6500 followers on Instagram & a fantastic loyal customer base who return to The Little Wax Box Co to place their orders of melts.  That is the one part I have most enjoyed about building the business from day one, being able to engage with other adults on a level from all walks of life in every corner of the UK & Ireland, I'm no longer just Mum, other humans call me Rhea!

It was now that we visited a local business centre to view some units just to look and see what our options were going forwards with the adventure.  Well we all know how window shopping ends up!  The man Barry took us inside a unit and said "I've matched you up to what I think is the perfect sized unit for your business!" well as we walked into the unit, I think me & Rob just melted at the same time!  Yes Barry was right, it was perfect and we I personally in my mind had emptied the entire contents of the business from our home and into the unit right there and then.  To cut the story short we moved into the unit within 2 weeks, set it all up & started working the same day as we had chosen to move in during November, the one time when we were in need of constant high volumes of sock due to Christmas approaching.  You think were crazy? you should of seen our faces mid move, it wasn't pretty ;-)

We are so humbled each and every day, neither I nor Rob come from luxurious backgrounds, we both have working class families & have always said " If we want it, were gonna have to work for it!"  We can only say thank you to each and every one of our customers who have taken the time to like a post on Instagram, share a story on facebook & trusted our little business enough to go ahead and place an order, customer service is the key to making a success of any business but honestly it is creating that bond with your customers that really does make everything so much more special

Thank you so much for reading our opening blog post & please do check back as we plan to make sure we regularly blog about what is happening behind the scenes

Lots of melty hugs

Rhea & Rob xxx


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